Today, I will be discussing one of my favorite hobbies and favorite places to go, The Multiverse created by Wizards of the Coast for their trading card game Magic: the Gathering.

I have been playing this game off and on since I was 7, or for those of you who actually play the game, I have been playing since Revised was a new release. Jeez that dates me a bit.
My favorite part about this game has always been the story-lines the guys and gals working at Wizards R&D create for this game, and as a person with a huge imagination this game plays right into it. You build a deck of spells and creatures that you, taking on the mantle of "Planeswalker", can cast and summon to try and defeat your foes. (You have been playing too much magic if you know what is coming at you when I say "Catch!") While at the same time you take part in these immense, deep stories they create.
Stories so deep that in fact I become very much a part of them in my own mind. I fought along side Urza, and Teferi, and the entire crew of the Weatherlight, I helped fend back the hordes of oncoming Phyrexians, and helped to expel them from my home on Dominaria. And while Dominaria is healing, from its fourth brush with apocalypse, I discover that Mirrodin is suffering from its own Phyrexian problems, so I vow to help them in any way I can.
For those of you who play you know what that mean I have picked a side in this war, I am a friend of the Mirran's and an enemy to the corruption of the Phyrexian Horde.
We Will Endure!
(Thank you for following along with this Tangent and I hope to see you here next Sunday for what could potentially be yet another random tangent.)