Monday, February 14, 2011

O Inverted World.

I love this picture. Always have, probably always will. This is a rather unique view of our planet that we lovingly inhabit. It shows our world, but its a new world isn't it, and it simply did one thing, land and sea have swapped places. It has been done to look like an old cartographers map, not one of those new fangled ones you can find anywhere on the internet. This is new, and yet, this is old. This is a perfect example of who I am and what my blog is.

I am steam-punk at heart, and my heart runs on steam, this aesthetic that I prefer drives me to live somewhere on the boundary of what is new, and what is old. Loving an old world, and embracing new broad horizons, that is my goal. But the most important part is that I never let go of the old, I guess I am a vintage pack rat of a sort, though I wouldn't be caught dead being an actual pack-rat/hoarder.

And at the same time this is why I love books, especially the old ones, not only do they take you to new worlds. Usually where only one simple thing is different from our own. But the age of the book itself leads us down the dark forgotten pathways of our past. In books we discover new worlds, and in old books we discover both those new worlds, and the world the previous owner left behind.

And that, is why I prefer my leather bound spines.


  1. Your blog will be interesting to follow given the advent of e-books, though widespread acceptance is likely years away. At the same time there is pressure for the cost effectiveness of print versus electronic distribution, such is the textbook arena. As long as there's profit to be made, you'll likely continue to find your treasures in print. You have an intersting point however about the intrinsic value of an old book.

  2. This picture is being used very well. The ideas of the old and the map intermixed with books is an interesting concepts, especially since many books deal with past and/or are old. Anyone who is well read person could link this picture, especially after reading your post, to some book that has had some kind of affect on them.
